ROCG Client Process – The 5 Cs
1. Client challenge
Business is full of challenges. Lots of them can be overcome without outside assistance but there are many you’ll need some help with, Whether it’s something we’ve noticed and brought to your attention or you’ve contacted us about a problem – we’re here to help you overcome your challenges.
2. Clarify challenge
We’re only able to help once we’ve gained absolute clarity about your challenges. We question and probe as much as it takes to ensure we really understand what your needs are.
3. Create a solution
No business problem is unique. No matter how complex, it has been solved somewhere before. We thoroughly examine all possibilities to ensure the best solution.
4. Communicate solution
It is not good enough that we understand the solution – to make an informed decision you must also understand it. We explain the solution in plain English so that the reasons for it and the consequences are well understood.
5. Implement change
Once the challenge is understood and a solution is agreed on, all that remains is to implement it. We help manage the implementation to ensure the result you wanted is achieved.